$67.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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Once you master the "Piano Man Approach" method accompaniment style, you can learn step by step how to effectively add in the melody with your right hand, and train your ear to pick the melodies out without using sheet music!  Normally $197,  Just $97 for you if you add it to this order!

"The Piano Man Approach Crash Course" + Bonuses

You're almost there!

Complete the form so you can:

  • Take a leap forward!
  • Start playing the songs you really want to play!
  • Discover fun and joy with music few people ever find!

Don't forget....it's risk free for 90 days! 

What People Are Saying:

"Piano Man" Steve's approach to teaching piano has genuinely changed my life. I had taken piano lessons from a typical piano teacher which caused me to lose interest in playing. Once I found Steve's approach to teaching, I was excited to learn piano. Now, I am performing live, writing my own music, and able to quickly learn any song by ear due to Steve's approach to teaching piano.

Jack | Little Rock, Arkansas, USA