Piano Man Steve's Blog

Sunday, 5 - 19 - 24 | Free Content & My Weekly Thoughts....

May 19, 2024

Happy Sunday Everyone!

This week, I recorded a John Denver song for my #SoloTuesday offering....it's a track that wasn't a hit single, and I knew it would be largely unknown to most and probably wouldn't get tons of views....and I was right!  LOL  But, I did it for one simple reason....I LOVE that song, and I just really wanted to record it properly at least once for posterity....no matter how many people ever hear it.  And you know what?  I enjoyed doing it more than any other I've done in recent memory, including the new "Billy Joel" tune that took off for me and has nearly 40,000 views after just a couple months.

It got me thinking....what else in my life do I really want to do, but maybe I'm not making time for because it's not "practical" or seemingly "productive"?  I would encourage all of you to ask yourselves the same question....about music, but about life in general.  And I would encourage all of us, me especially, to redefine "practical" and "productive" to include things that we just really "want" to do....that should be enough.  We should give ourselves more credit that we'll still get the dishes washed, the bills paid, and the other important duties that make our worlds turn.....and we can still make time for those things we really "want" to do, even when we can't find a truly "practical" reason for doing them.  Life has an expiration date....use the time you have wisely....which includes all the stuff you want to do just cuz you think you'll enjoy it.  Cheers!

Have a great week gang....enjoy the freebies! ;-)

This week's free content is below:

"Looking for Space"
(John Denver)

Or if the video doesn't display here, simply click THIS LINK to view it on YouTube!

"3 Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself Before Practicing"

Or if the video doesn't display here, simply click THIS LINK to view it on YouTube!

#SundayJamz remains on hiatus while Robb tends to other work...stay tuned!

#SundayFunDay Live Stream Concert with Piano Man Steve, 5 - 19 - 24

Or if the video doesn't display here, simply click THIS LINK to view it on YouTube!