Piano Man Steve's Blog

Sunday, 7 - 16 - 24 | Free Content & My Weekly Thoughts....

Jul 15, 2024

Happy Sunday Everyone!

My sincerest apologies for missing last week, and being a couple days late this week with the blog entry.  I've been looking after a close friend who has had some serious medical issues recover from a surgery, and she doesn't have any family to help out, so I've been a little choppy the last couple of weeks, and may continue to be for another few weeks until she is able to do more things unassisted.  I appreciate your patience with me during this time, and I'll continue to do my best to get new content out for you.  Hug the people you love today, and be grateful for their presence in your life :-).

Have a great week gang....enjoy the freebies! ;-)

This week's free content is below:

"Club at the End of the Street"
(Elton John)

Or if the video doesn't display here, simply click THIS LINK to view it on YouTube!

Piano System Hack:
The Bluesy Attack

Or if the video doesn't display here, simply click THIS LINK to view it on YouTube!

Live Stream Concert with Piano Man Steve
7 - 14 - 24

Or if the video doesn't display here, simply click THIS LINK to view it on YouTube!

Have a great week everyone....and remember, if you're not having fun when you're making music....you're doing it wrong! :-)

Piano Man Steve